Bob API reference guide

Get started with Bob's API reference guide

The Bob API Reference Guide allows you to test endpoints and develop your app efficiently.

Connect to Bob API

Define API Service Users: Learn how to connect to your Bob workspace via the API using service users.

Explore Bob API endpoints

Click on Bob API's modules below to access detailed information on all available endpoints.

Here's a highlight on a few endpoints that may be useful:

  1. Metadata Endpoints: Pull all the details about how Bob keeps the data. Use the 'Get Company Lists' to review all the lists in Bob, or the 'Get All Company Fields' to find out the properties and backend IDs of all the fields, tables, and custom fields in Bob. To learn more, see Fields and lists metadata.
  2. People, Employee Tables and Custom Tables endpoints: Access fields, custom fields and history data of employees. To learn more, explore How to read employee data.
  3. Time off endpoints: Access and add time off requests and policies.
  4. Reports endpoints: Download reports from Bob.
  5. Hiring endpoints: Fetch job ads from Bob's careers page and post them to your custom careers page.
  6. Workforce Planning endpoint: Access data about positions in your company

And there are many more, click the topic that you want to learn about under BOB API ENDPOINTS.

Explore Webhooks

If you plan to connect to Bob via webhooks, explore Getting Started with Webhooks** to learn how to subscribe to events in Bob and build your own event listener.

Test endpoints

You can test the API directly from the "Try It!" option in the interactive API reference guide. This feature helps you understand how the API works and verifies that your parameters and permissions are set correctly.

Here's how to use it:

  1. Go to the specific API endpoint you want to test in the documentation.
  2. From the testing pane on the right, click Try It! .
  3. Click Base URL to select whether to test with Production server or with the Sandbox server.

    Note: The Sandbox capability is available only for accounts that have purchased Sandbox. To learn more, see HiBob's HRIS features).

  4. From the Basic authorization, enter your service user's credentials:
  • Enter the service user's ID in the username field.
  • Enter the corresponding token in the password field.

    Don't have a service user yet? Check the API Service Users guide

  1. From Body Params, update path parameters or query parameters if required.
  2. If the request includes body parameters, click the Examples pulldown menu and select Request Example to copy the parameters from the endpoint’s description into the HTTP request.
  3. Click Try It! to execute the API call.
  4. Check the Responses section to see the results of your API request, including the status code, headers, and any returned data.


Error 403 (Forbidden)

If you receive an empty response or error 403, it likely means the permissions do not allow you to access the data you are trying to fetch. You should check your permissions settings, amend the permissions, and try again.