JUMP TOStart developingStart Developing with the APICore ConceptsAuthorizationTestingRate limitingPaginationWebhooksGetting Started with Bob WebhooksEmployee Update EventsEmployee Task EventsTime Off Webhook EventseSign Document Signing EventBob APIPeopleSearch for employeespostCreate company employee.postRead company employee fields by employee ID.postUpdate company employee.putRevoke access to Bob for an employee.postTerminate company employee.postInvite an employee with a welcome wizard ID.postSet or update an employee's start date.postRead the public profile section of all active employees.getRead avatar for an employee emailgetRead avatar for an employee ID.getUpload employee's avatar by image urlputUpdate an employee's email address.putOnboardingGet a summary of all onboarding wizards.getReportsRead company reportsgetDownload the report by IDgetGet the report download URL for pollinggetDownload a report by the report name.getTasksRead all open tasks.getRead tasks of a specific employeegetMark a task as completepostMetadataGet all employee fields.getCreate a new field.postUpdate an existing fieldputDelete an existing field.deleteGet all company listsgetGet a specific company list by name.getAdd a new item to an existing list.postUpdate an existing item from a list.putDelete an item from an existing list.deleteTime offSubmit a new time off request.postGet the details of an existing time off request.getCancel an existing time off requestdeleteGet all new/deleted time off requests since the specified date.getRead a list of who's out of the office.getRead a list of who's out of the office today or on the specified date.getGet Policy type reason codesgetAdd a list of reason codes for a given policy type.postGet Policy type detailsgetGet all policy types names.getGet Policy details.getGet a list of policy names for a given policy type.getGet the balance for a given employeegetCreate a balance adjustment.postAttendanceImport attendance datapostPayrollRead payroll history.getDocumentsGet list of folders with metadatagetUpload file from a URL to a Shared FolderpostUpload file from a URL to a Confidential FolderpostUpload File from a URL to a Custom FolderpostUpload file to a Shared FolderpostUpload File to a Confidential FolderpostUpload File to a Custom FolderpostDelete a Document from a Shared FolderdeleteDelete a Document from a Confidential FolderdeleteDelete a Document from a Custom FolderdeleteDownload list of documents of an employeegetHiringGet all active job ads from your Career pagepostGet the details of a single job adgetEmployee TablesList work history for a list of employeesgetList the lifecycle history for a list of employees.getList employment history for a list of employees.getList payroll history (salaries) for a list of employees.getList employee's work historygetCreate a new work entry for a given employee.postUpdate a work entry in the employee's work history table.putDeletes a work entry from a given employee's work history.deleteList employee's employment history.getCreates a new employment entry for a given employee.postUpdate an employment entry from a given employee's employment history.putDeletes an employment entry from a given employee's employment history.deleteList employee's life-cycle status history.getList employee's salary history.getCreates a new salary entry for a given employee.postDeletes a salary entry from the employee's list.deleteList the employee's equity grants.getCreates a new equity grant for a given employee.postUpdates an equity grant for an employeeputDeletes an equity grant for an employee.deleteList employee's variable paymentsgetCreates a new variable payment for a given employee.postDeletes a variable payment record for an employee.deleteList the employee's training records.getCreates a new training records for a given employeepostDeletes any training records for an employee.deleteList employee's bank accountsgetCreate a new bank account entry for a given employee.postUpdate a bank account entry in the employee's bank accounts table.putDeletes a bank account entry from a given employee's bank accounts table.deleteSearch for actual paymentspostCustom TablesRead metadata of custom tables definedgetRead metadata for specific custom tablegetRead all entries of the given custom tablegetCreate new custom table entrypostUpdate custom table entryputDelete custom table entrydeleteWorkforce PlanningGet all positions fieldsgetGet all positions openings fieldsgetGet all position budget fieldsgetRead company positionspostRead company positions openingspostRead company positions budgetspostList employee's life-cycle status history.get https://api.hibob.com/v1/people/{id}/lifecycleReturns a list of life-cycle history entries for a given employee.<br