put https://api.hibob.com/v1/people//work/
This endpoint updates an entry in the employee’s work history table.
The unique identifier for the work entry is the site and effective date.
Note that the entire work entry will be overwritten with the data provided in your payload. Any columns not included in the payload will be cleared (set to empty values).
Patch Update Flag:As a best practice, we recommend reading the entire work entry data, updating the necessary fields, and then writing back the entire entry. However, for legacy purposes, we provide the flag: patchUpdate=true, which functions similarly to a PATCH request.
When using this flag, please note:
1. Only the fields included in the payload will be updated; all others will remain unchanged.
2. The identifier for the work entry should be entry_id, not the site/effective date.
3. Note that using the patchUpdate approach is not recommended and should be reserved for legacy implementations only.
Endpoint URL: https://api.hibob.com/v1/people/{id}/work/{entry_id}