Bob's Hiring API allows you to fetch job ads from Bob's careers page and post them to your custom careers page
Guidelines for using the Hiring API
Bob's Hiring API allows you to fetch job ads, from Bob's careers page and post them to your custom careers page. Additionally, you will get a link to an application form for new candidates to apply for the job. To learn more about setting up the Hiring API, see Integrate your custom careers page with Bob Hiring
Fetching lists and details: You can either fetch a list of job IDs and then retrieve each job's details using the GET endpoint, or directly fetch the details in the initial list.
Field specification: Always specify which fields to fetch using the 'fields' parameter in the request body. For a detailed list of available fields, refer to the schema in the '200 response' section.
To retrieve job ads: Send an empty array in the 'filters' parameter in the request body to retrieve all active job ads, or specific filters in the request body to narrow the results.
Posting on your career page: For each job ad retrieved from Bob, create a corresponding page on your career page. Ensure the URL for each job ad on your website matches the custom format defined in Bob, using a structure like{jobId}.
Application link: To allow new candidates to apply, ensure you retrieve and utilize the 'jobAd/applyUrl' field from each job ad's response. This URL links to an application form hosted by Bob, which automatically submits the candidate's details back to Bob.
Required permissions
The service user does not require any permissions to access Job Ads data.
Rate limiting
Rate limits are restrictions that our API imposes on the number of times a user can access our endpoints within a specified period of time. To learn more about rate limiting best practices, see Rate limiting.
Below is a table detailing the rate limits for each endpoint in the Hiring endpoints.
Method | Endpoint | Limit per minute |
GET | Get all active job ads from your Career page | 100 |
GET | Get the details of a single job ad | 100 |