Task events

Receive notifications about triggered task lists and tasks status updates.

Working with webhooks v2 events

Before you dive into the various event types, make sure to follow these key steps:

  1. Explore our guide Getting started with Bob webhooks.
  2. Important: Event payload contains only identifiers and metadata. You should make API calls to retrieve the necessary data. To learn more, see our Webhook listener best practices.

Task Events

Use the following events to receive notifications about triggered task lists and tasks status updates.

Task triggeredtodo.assignWhen a task list is triggered, each general task that is created will trigger this event
Task status changedtodo.changedStatusAny change in the status of a general task - completed/incomplete

Note: As best practice we recommend to use the event as a notification only, and retrieve the complete task details by using the Read tasks of a specific employee API endpoint. Use the employee ID (which is returned in the "toDoAssigneeId" in the event's payload), to filter the API response.

Call the API

To retrieve the task details, use the employee ID and task ID from the payload to call the endpoint URL. To learn more, see API call for Task events

Task list triggered payload

  "companyId": 636192,
  "type": "todo.assign",
  "triggeredBy": "3332883804594373380",
  "triggeredAt": "2025-01-08T12:12:31.199878",
  "version": "v2",
  "data": {
    "requestedForEmployeeId": "3332883884017713938",
    "workflowId": 2302289,
    "pivotDate": "2025-01-08",
    "toDoIds": [
        "id": 32261122

Task status changed payload

  "companyId": 636192,
  "type": "todo.changedStatus",
  "triggeredBy": "3332883804594373380",
  "triggeredAt": "2025-01-08T12:10:22.297354",
  "version": "v2",
  "data": {
    "toDoIds": [
        "id": 32008655
    "toDoRequestedForIds": [
    "toDoAssigneeIds": [
    "newStatus": "Closed"

Note: The Webhook event payload may contain truncated values (such as the task description or title) in case they are long. Use the Read tasks of a specific employee API endpoint to read the complete task details.