Read company employee fields by employee ID.

This endpoint returns data fields of a given employee. Note that this endpoint requires body parameters, which is why it is implemented as a POST request.

To learn how to work with this endpoint, see how to read employee data.
To learn about setting permissions to employee access data, see API Service Users.

1. Only non-historical fields marked as historical=false in the Fields Metadata API can be retrieved.
2. This enpoint returns only Employees. To pull 'Positions', use the Workforce Planning endpoints.

Testing notes:
1. Use the testing widget's Try It! option to test this endpoint.
2. Request Example: Use the Examples > Request Example option to see how to initiate body parameters.
3. Response Example: View the response payload using the Response > Example Response option in the response on the right.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!