Docs events

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Docs events

eSign Document Signing Completedocuments.eSign.completedThe event will be sent at the end of the signing process. If the request has two signers and only one has signed, the event will not be sent until the second signer completes signing.

eSign event payload

 "companyId": 637323,
 "type": "documents.eSign.completed",
 "triggeredBy": "system",
 "triggeredAt": "2024-10-03T09:29:00.831502",
 "version": "v2",
 "data": {
   "employeeId": "3418533772247696340",
   "documentId": 17745922,
   "downloadUrl": "",
   "signedBy": "3418533772247696340",
   "creationDate": "2024-10-03T09:26:33.864255"