
Introducing Time off Webhooks

We are pleased to announce that Bob’s Webhooks now support Time Off events.

Webhooks are a way for Bob to communicate with other applications automatically. When a specific event occurs in Bob, a webhook sends real-time data to the other application through an HTTP request. This enables seamless integration and automation between different systems.


  • Real-Time updates: Webhooks provide instant notifications about changes, allowing your application to react immediately.
  • Automation: Reduce manual tasks by automating workflows based on specific events.
  • Efficiency: Streamline processes by integrating systems and reducing the need for frequent API calls to check for updates.

Supported Time Off Events:

  • Approved: Get notified when a time off request is approved.
  • Declined: Receive updates when a time off request is declined.
  • Canceled: Know immediately when a time off request is canceled.
  • Deleted: Be informed when a time off request is deleted.
  • Updated: Get informed when a time off request is updated.
  • Submitted: Receive notifications when a time off request is submitted.
  • Created from Import: Stay updated when time off requests are created through imports.

These new webhook events help you keep your systems synchronized and ensure you have up-to-date information about employee time off statuses. To learn more, see Time off Webhooks events.

To learn more, see Time off Webhook events.